Zusha Goldin talks about entertainment photography, his top moments and memories from his job, and more. (Exclusive)
“Photography kinda got into me, if that makes sense... ever since I touched my first camera ever, I was obsessed with photography and video,” Goldin explains.
Gracie Lowes
Imagine leaving your life behind and moving across the country by yourself in hopes of pursuing your dreams, it may sound scary but for entertainment photographer Zusha Goldin this is what he had to do to make his mark in the industry.
Since moving to Los Angeles in 2020, Goldin has worked with big names such as Courteney Cox, Alexandra Daddario, Charli and Dixie D'Amelio, Ben Stiller, Lily James and more.
I had the chance to sit down (virtually) with Goldin, to talk to him about his history with photography, favorite moments since starting out, future projects, and more.
You can read the full interview below.

Gracie Lowes: It’s so nice to finally meet you, how are you doing!
Zusha Goldin: “I'm doing great, thanks for asking! There are always so many ups and downs, but that is life. Recently, more blessings than challenges, so I'm very thankful!”
Gracie: You moved to Los Angeles back in 2020 to chase your dream of being a professional entertainment photographer, what has the journey been like for you so far?
Zusha: “If I'm being totally honest, it has been incredibly difficult, especially at the beginning. Imagine moving across the country ready to take on the industry only to be stuck in your home without opportunities for two years. Not to risk sounding ungrateful, and entitled, because I'm so grateful that my family has not been severely affected by covid but it was still hard mentally. With lots of luck, and lots of networking I've managed to get out of the rut that I was in over Covid and had the opportunity to work with some of the top talents in the world.”
Gracie: How did you get into photography?
Zusha: “Photography kinda got into me, if that makes sense... ever since I touched my first camera ever, I was obsessed with photography and video. I simply would come home from school every day and work on a new project. It was only natural for me to do it professionally once I came of age.”
Gracie: You've taken so many amazing photos and worked with so many amazing people, is there a certain moment or memory that sticks out in your mind?
Zusha: “So I was raised Ultra-Orthodox Jewish. And in Judaism, there are certain dietary restrictions called Kosher. It doesn't allow me to eat Chipotle or Mcdonald's, and so when I was on set with some talent, they were all eating from those food joints, but I looked on in hunger. I'll never forget the kindness of the A-list talent and the publicists and managers going out of their way to ask about why I wasn't eating, and then insisting on ordering me food and accommodating my diet when it came to lunchtime. I've since gone on always to bring my own lunch, but it's the little things that make set an inclusive and safe environment, and I really appreciate it a lot!”
Gracie: I saw on Linkedin you said you have a vision board of your dream collaborations, what does that look like as of 2022, and who's on the top?
Zusha: “My initial thought when creating my vision board for 2022 was to not talk about it, but I think putting it out into the universe is a good thing to do, so here goes nothing: Robert Downey Jr., Emma Stone, Lana Del Rey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Zendaya, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Doja Cat, Taylor Swift, The Rock, Hugh Jackman... that's who is currently on my vision board for 2022. I have so many people I'm dying to work with but I can't list them all otherwise you'd be here for days reading…”
Gracie: You’ve worked hard to get where you are in your career, what advice would you give to your younger self or other entrepreneurs when starting up in the entertainment industry?
Zusha: “I'm still young and figuring out and experiencing life, but I'd have to give one piece of advice to my younger self, and that would be to understand that "it's not that deep." It's never that deep. Don't take things so seriously. If it won't matter in a few months, then don't dwell on it. Don't lose sleep on the simple things. Life moves on, and things heal in time.”
Gracie: If you could describe yourself and your style of work in three words what would they be?
Zusha: “Caring, storytelling, expressive.”
Gracie: Do you have any future projects you could hint at or talk about?
Zusha: “Most of my projects are scheduled for 4 weeks' notice to one day notice, so I can't really say much, but there are a few shoots coming up. I'm really excited to shoot them and then share them with you all!”